Through persistence in public education, establishing a spay and neuter program, and making pets more affordable, the Regional SPCA St. John's quarterbacked a decline in animal intake to 1,000-1,200 animals. However, current numbers continue to strain aging facilities that have always been too small. With the region expecting an 11.5% population growth over the next 20 years, even with continued success, conservative projections see future intake numbers that could be as high as 1,500 animals.
Who Benefits
A new facility will strengthen the leadership role of the SPCA St. John’s and enable it to facilitate additional transfers from shelters throughout the province.
Avoided Costs for Municipalities – With a strong volunteer base and huge animal intake, the SPCA offers support to animal control officers in municipalities, providing humane services to homeless animals.
Public Education – SPCA staff help people understand the responsibilities and realities of pet care and the importance of spaying and neutering.
Access to Great Pets - The SPCA offers programs that enable families to adopt healthy and well socialized animals. The SPCA even has a pet food bank and a fostering service to avoid unnecessary surrender in tough times.
Re-Homing of Well-Loved Pets – Not all intake animals are abandoned or abused. It’s heart wrenching when an individual can no longer care for their well-loved companion. Your SPCA is a trusted, non-judgmental organization that takes the matching process for re-homing as seriously as if these pets were their own.
Volunteer and Team Building Opportunities – Volunteers engage in everything from fostering to facilitating pet rehabilitation through feeding and socialization.
Broader Business Community Benefits – An organization that cares for more than 1,000 animals each year has a significant supply chain directly benefiting pet food and sanitization suppliers, veterinarians, and veterinary suppliers.